when is when

Many self-development books told the readers to start now, push your limits, and see the failure as just another block to step on. Elizabeth Gilbert in 'Big Magic' said you have to catch the creativity once it came to you while James Clear said you have to stack your small habits. I've been thinking about it in my writing. Although I never had a grand idea in my writing, which this post is no exception, but I'm still having a lot of war inside of me thinking that I should write anything. Sometimes I catch that creativity but that stops immediately, it doesn't even reach the half way. Once, a good of friend said to me that a writing is something that the author's bothered with but what is writing without a good idea and plot? Let me know, let me clear my path. So, when I should try stacking my habits? The only I'm consistent of is doubting myself. it's been a triumphant side of myself that should've been rid of so I can manage to write something for real. So, when is when? They said 'Now!' but when is now? when I look into my screen and nothing comes out prettily. Oh! I actually prefer writing using a fresh ink smearing the whiteness of my notebook papers. But now, they're not comfortable anymore, I don't feel like adjoining my fingers with the pen. They don't feel right on the paper. Another blocks to stumble on. Is this what people called as writer's block? I'm not even a writer yet. Everything is something to complain about, does this always happen to a lot people who write? how long does distress stay? or perhaps this is only in my head? am I dodging too much?
